Order a repeat prescription
If you take Medicine regularly, you will usually have a repeat prescription.
This means that you can order your medicine when you need it without having to see a GP.
Order using the NHS app or website
The NHS app is a quick way to access NHS services. Using the NHS app means you do not need to enter your personal details each time you contact the surgery. You can read more about the app on the NHS website.
You can use your NHS account to order a repeat prescription.
You will need the NHS app or your NHS account login details.
Using SystmOnline
You can order a repeat prescription using SystmOnline.
We will respond within 2 working days.
You will need:
- a SystmOnline account.
- to be at least 17 years old
Prescription Queries
If you want to discuss a query with your medication you can contact us to book a telephone appointment to discuss your medication with our Pharmacist
Alternatively, you can complete an EConsult online form via the link below
By phone
You can order a repeat prescription by phone.
Telephone our prescription line. Tuesday and Wednesday 2-4 pm and Thursday 10:30 – 12:00 noon.
01207 279911
Nominating a pharmacy
When you order a prescription online, you can have your prescription sent electronically to a pharmacy of your choice to collect your medication. This is called a nomination.
Find out more about nominating a pharmacy